Heart, Hands & Healing Art Workshop, Jan 25th!


Heart, Hands and Healing Art:
Revealing Your Inner Masterpiece on Canvas

533207_553694951362086_2034625096_nHeart, Hands and Healing Art: Revealing Your Inner Masterpiece on Canvas encourages artistic and personal expression through a process of painting with hands – no brushes, no rules AND no artistic abilities are required: the painting creates itself!

Each participant starts with the same blank canvas, and when the session is over, epiphanies of creativity, healing and transformation occur. During “The Viewing” of each painting, messages are revealed that were created subconsciously during the painting process.

The process offers the breakdown of inner barriers, often buried since childhood, which leads to new perspectives and possibilities, such as:

Trust… motivation… self-esteem
Openness to explore new ideas and concepts
Increased focus and clarity
Thinking “outside the box”
Understanding, acceptance and respect of others’ opinions and ideas

Vicki employs a variety of skills to assist participants in discovering 1097947_553694931362088_1742256451_npreviously un-tapped gifts of creativity, interpersonal connection and even playfulness, which opens the mind to previously hidden resources of new ideas and vision. This motivation and inspiration encourages people to give themselves permission to express themselves artistically, which leads to better overall communication with self and others.

Creativity, self-discovery and self-expression can become guiding principles in one’s everyday life, both personally and professionally.

January 25th – 11:00 am. – $45.00 per person – all paints, canvases and full reading of your painting included.

Please RSVP to let us know you are coming!  Heartwood Health, Art and Yoga directions here.

Vicki Wagoner’s art program, filmed by The Art of Living Cable TV, can be viewed on her website.
Vicki Wagoner, Certified Hypnotherapist, Past Life Regressionist, Medium, Intuitive Guide, Reiki Master, Spiritual Artist and Jewelry Designer, has been assisting clients and offering her art workshop since 2003.www.HypnosisByVickiWagoner.com